O Doctor! My Doctor!

O Doctor! my Doctor! Our journey has begun;
I hear the TARDIS in my yard; now it’s off see the sun,
Off to new times, we’ll stop more crimes, reality we’re saving,
We’ll go rescue all those in need, then you they will be thanking
But O hearts! hearts! hearts!
O the man who has two hearts,
Down on Earth, they do not know
How you’ve played your part.

O Doctor! my Doctor! you’ve lost another one,
Misfortune strikes you once again; you’ve lost a companion,
The season ends, I’ll wait for you, and there you are at Christmas
We continue, I find the couch, I watch you in pajamas
No Doctor! dear friend!
You must regenerate!
Though I won’t know this face of yours,
Your deeds will still be great.

My Doctor is a Time Lord; he travels time and space,
My hero always wins the day; he’ll watch the human race,
Daleks and Cybermen beware- his skill is quite symphonic,
He’s not a myth, Doctor John Smith, whose screwdriver is sonic
But please, my friends, forget him not;
It’s a fantastic show,
Allons-y, as he would say,
And Geronimo!

~By ‘Ranebuggy’ on TeenInk


I like this poem because it describes the Doctor perfectly. The poem not only talks about his loneliness and broken heartedness after losing his companions, but also his brilliance and quick-wittedness when saving the universe once again. The poem also describes him physically, with his two hearts and regeneration abilities.

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