Pep Rallies

Some people like pep rallies.  It might be because they get to miss class, they get to talk to their friends, or something of that sort. But I just don’t understand what is so enjoyable about them. In my opinion, that are absolutely horrid, and a waste of my time.

First of all, they’re obnoxiously loud. With the band playing and people everywhere yelling, I cannot even hear myself think. At pep rallies, the people in athletics go up and talk about how well they’re doing in the season so far. As if we didn’t hear it on the announcements every day during school. Also, pep rallies take up 45 minutes. That’s almost a full period. We could have spent that time learning, but instead, we are trapped in a loud gym.

Sure, pep rallies are okay once in awhile (like, once a school year.) I just don’t understand why we have to have them. It’s more like mandatory celebration to me.